Of course, a wax should not be missing in Fudge's range. A wax that we definitely recommend is the Fudge Structure Wax.
The hair can be brought into any desired model by using a styling product that keeps it in the right model throughout the day. The products are sustainable in use. The Fudge wax products are ideal for styling and modeling your hair. And quickly create the perfect look. With the Fudge wax products you experience a new way of styling.
In the 1990s Fudge's founder stepped into a piece of chewing gum on the ground in Australia. Thanks to this somewhat annoying incident, he then came up with the idea to develop a styling product for different hairstyle that was strong but still flexible.
In the 1990s Fudge's founder stepped into a piece of chewing gum on the ground in Australia. Thanks to this slightly annoying incident, he then came up with the idea to develop a styling product for different hairstyles that was strong but still flexible. This moment was the start of Fudge!
Fudge Structure Wax is a texture-giving wax that knows how to style the hair in any shape. The wax has hold factor 11, which keeps the hair effortlessly in shape throughout the day. Moreover, this wax also prevents fluffy hair. With the Fudge Structure Wax it is easy to create the most diverse hair styles!
Fudge Structure Wax provides very strong fixation, while the hair will remain flexible. A beautiful moderate shine will be applied and that while the Structure Wax from Fudge is a pure cosmetic wax. (without the use of water)
The entire Fudge collection can be found at hairandbeautyonline.com. These products can be ordered quickly, safely and easily online. Of course at the competitive prices, our webshop keeps an eye on the latest offers, promotions and discount codes, so that you can order your favorite Fudge product at an affordable price.
Fast delivery
All orders are sent from our logistics warehouse in the middle of the country. Hundreds of packages leave our warehouse on the way to a satisfied customer every day. Also visit our store in Nijkerk!
If there are any questions about a certain product, you want advice on, for example, dyeing your hair, or you are curious when your package is delivered, then our customer service is ready for you. They can also tell you more about Fudge and healthy functioning! Our customer service can be reached by telephone on 033 258 43 43, or via [email protected].
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